Friday, February 27, 2009

New Zealand wine labels

With more and more competition for shelf space and visibility it seems as though there is more attention to detail in label design than there is quality wine being made.

This is also evident  in the choice of name for the winery/vineyard. Soon every little stone, rock, hill, bluff, spur, plant, range, oh you get it, will be named on a bottle of wine. Let the confident winemakers put their own name on the label or the road upon which their vineyard is situated.

And whilst I am on a roll please choose a better design. To many fonts and colours distract the eye and why are we obsessed trying to look so different? Get more traditional and you will sell more wine.

Wine is still a product that is supposed to conjure up memories of holidays and special occasions not an everyday commodity like Coke! Keep it neat and simple and the product will move off the shelf without needing and assistant.

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