Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir

Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: Helga Viking
Flash: Off
Film: Kodot Verichrome

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Posted via email from Wine Reviews

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Villa Maria Merlot 2009 Private Bin

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from Wine Reviews

Sunday, September 26, 2010

One Laptop One Child, but what about the waste?

After attending TEDxAkl I was delighted to learn about the altruistic nature of some of the worlds greatest minds, by offering 30 million PCs to the poorest of children. Then on deeper inspection it occurred to me 'what will happen with the wate once the computers either break or have gone past their use by date?'

The areas in which these children live are often remote, they struggle to provide, what we would call, sanitation. This, and given that they do not yet have programs in place for plastic recycling plants, is a cause for concern.

Sure we can send them PCs for them to learn from and on, but what provisions are there for recycling an already troublesome piece of technology?

Another concern is, who supplies the educational material for these children?

Will the educational material be propaganda and will we be re-writing history in the process?

I'm all for great initiatives, but we need to think the whole process through and stop and think about waste management in an already over consuming public.

Do they really need these tools just because we have them?

Feedback welcome. 

Posted via email from Jayson Bryant

Thursday, September 23, 2010

NZ wine marketing and apps.

After reading Rick Bakas' review of wine apps and marketing it became apparent that so few wineries in New Zealand put reviews of their wines on sites such as Cork'd and Snooth, Why wouldn't you?

For a start, personally go on the site and review wines and also add your own, narcissistic for sure, but it's a great way to reach a new audience when linked to social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

With the advent of Snooth's new smart phone app it is now possible to take a photo of a bottle and locate the nearest store from which to buy it.

It also acts a a reference and wine library storing the history of the wine you have consumed, and if enough Kiwi's start using both Cork'd and Snooth they'll end up having a regional profile for NZ.

Below is the new look Snooth smart phone app.
Searching for the nearest wine shop to your present location. Taking a photo of the wine you are drinking in a restaurant. Searching through the database. It has identified the winery It has identified the wine and you can now see other peoples reviews or add your own. Additional information.  

Posted via email from Wine Marketing

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Attention and Engagement Economy

If you give me attention I'll give you my custom!

From our earliest memories we seek attention.

We are bombarded with information, advertising and other various stimuli. All of these act on our conscious and sub-conscious trying to get our attention. 

An airline pilot must be able to multitask, speak to air traffic control, take in the visual environment, operate and fly the plane and make a rational priority list of what is most important to them at a particular time, and then react accordingly to emergency warning signals.

Each individual does this on a day to day basis subconsciously, Companies are vying for our attention all the time, so what makes us give it to them?

Are we becoming immune to advertising?

Do we seek more from the companies that want our business?

Traditional media advertisers followed a model that suggested consumers went through a linear process they called 'AIDA' - Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. Attention is therefore a major and the first stage in the process of converting non-consumers. Since the cost to transmit advertising to consumers is now sufficiently low that more ads can be transmitted to a consumer than the consumer can process, the consumer's attention becomes the scarce resource to be allocated.

With the advent of integration media such as Facebook and Twitter we are seeking greater engagement from brands that once just fed us what they wanted us to hear. The traditional model has changed for many businesses and agencies are seeking ways in which to make their ads more interactive.

The buzz word for the past 2 years has been all about Social Media, i.e Twitter, facebook, Bebo, Myspace, YouTube, but these platforms really serve as being part of a social media strategy and are not the stand alone business tools that is claimed by many Social Media Gurus.

What I want from a brand/company maybe very different from what you personally want, we all want different things at different times. So what can a brand do to placate all of these variables?

Well for a start they can engage with the audience, long gone are the days when the company knew best. Democracy has arrived and it's called New Media. If I get bad customer service or don't like a product of yours then I can tell the world. I can shout it from the roof tops, only if I have an audience that is willing to listen.

This is not only my chance to tell people what I do and don't like, about your brand, but also your chance to listen to my concerns and engage with me. Don't take offense, merely take pleasure that I am talking about your brand and am ready for your attention and engagement.

If you're not going to give myself your attention I'm going to seek it somewhere else, I'm going to shift my potential loyalty to your competitor. Perhaps I'll stay with my new found brand, perhaps I won't. If they are willing to listen and interact with me then at least I feel I'm getting the attention that I want and most companies want to have with me.

My attention needn't be bought, isn't necessarily captured on Facebook, Twitter, nor YouTube, my attention is where you seek it and I seek yours. Social Media isn't the be all and end all of advertising/marketing but sure does help get my attention and upwards of 650 millions others.

So come on what have you got to say to me?








Posted via email from Jayson Bryant

Friday, September 17, 2010

I still admire this website: Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Map View

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