Sunday, May 22, 2011

Twitter - Live Chat with Labour Leader Phil Goff

A great start and use of social media by the Labour Party. There are two fundamental problems with this strategy. The timing, 3.30pm, is far too early and generally in company time for viewers. Time lines for such events are key. The key to Mr Goff's election would be to shift the middle ground. The iddle ground tens to be at work at 3.30. This would have been suited toa time slot of 7.30-8, after the kids have gone to bed, people are more relaxed and in front of their computers, have finished work etc.
Secondly the Use of Twitter should have been combined with the use of U-Stream TV for live Q & A with Facebook and Twitter streams for engagement.
Had, and I hope he will use these tools more than once, executed this strategy he would have garnered more engagement and potential support.
On a more positive note, he's one of the first NZ MP's using the platforms available to him, also the amount of the population using these tools remains smal, albeit influential.

Posted via email from Jayson Bryant

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