Sunday, May 8, 2011

Google's Search Globe

Google has announced the arrival of Search Globe, and although quite limited at present it offers an insight of things to come.

"The Search Globe visualizes searches from one day, and shows the language of the majority of queries in an area in different colors. You’ll see a bright landscape of queries across Europe, and parts of Asia for instance, but unfortunately we see many fewer searches from parts of the world lacking Internet access—and often electricity as well—like Africa. We hope that as the Internet continues to become more accessible over time and people continue to ask questions, we’ll see this globe shine brightly everywhere." 

Imagine, for those of us that are visual learners, being able to type in keywords and see across the globe where the highest global searches for that particular word are, and then being able to target those places specifically. 

Search Globe could also be integrated into Google Analytics and/or Webmaster tools. The future is exciting.


Posted via email from Jayson Bryant

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